Hindu Statue Bali


My time in Bali was relaxing. As I was leaving I saw this lonely Hindu statue meditating. I almost didn’t stop to take this photo, but for some reason it was the first I remembered while traveling home and one of the first I processed. I’m not sure why honestly. The statue just seemed at peace and I was on the move, headed to another place, while it wisely sat. Maybe that is why it grabbed me…Bali seemed to as a whole say to me, slow down.

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Coral on Nusa Dua Beach in Bali

Battered Coral

This coral on Nusa Dua Beach in Bali, Indonesia reminded me of my life. It was beaten down, nearly warn smooth, but I found it beautiful. There is beauty in simplicity. There is an elegance that comes with age. I spent my time in Bali sitting on the beach, relaxing and being pampered. It’s something I never do. Never. Something I should do more. This “something” the coral seem to know instinctively and I always seem to forget. Though the sea throws you about, the salt water and sand polish away everything you are, eventually you come up for air…and lay in the sun.

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Temple of Heaven Tile Details

Construction Materials

The Temple of Heaven is a massive site…one that can easily take a day of your time. It is also one of the preordained visits you have to make on your first visit to Beijing (though I have yet to visit The Great Wall…sacrilege, I know). Personally I enjoyed the Forbidden City more, but the Temple of Heaven honestly is like no historic site I have ever visited before. Today’s photo is one of the small exquisite details. I have so many more to share…

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Red Taxi in Hong Kong

Wanted Photos

If you take photos (and I hope you do), do you go places wanting specific photos? I do! I have been after a photo like this of one of the red taxi’s in Hong Kong ever since I first visited. This was taken on my most recent and forth trip to HK. I was only passing through and I didn’t expect to get much of anything useful, but I had a few hours in the morning before my flight back to The States. I walked down to the Avenue of Stars and milled around, feeling completely uninspired when it hit me I could try for a taxi shot! This is actually the combination and manipulation of a few photos, but it ended up being one of my favorite photos in recent memory…I hope you enjoy it!

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Supertrees and The Marina Bay Sands in Singapore

Supertrees are Back!

I am not sure I will get enough of the Supertrees. From early in my travels, my friend David said…I want to see an HDR picture of the SUPERTREES! It took over two years to make it to Singapore. I ended up loving the country! There seems to be a LOT happening there!

Marina Bay Sands

The hotel looks like a giant cruise ship was delicately placed on top of three skyscrapers. I really wanted to get to the upper decks of the hotel. I understand there is an amazing cheese and chocolate buffet that happens nightly…I am not sure how I kept myself away honestly!

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Buddha Tooth Relic Shrine


If you haven’t noticed I tend to visit quite a number of churches, temples and shrines on my travels. I love seeing how other cultures look at religion; how they react to their faith. I have a personal soft spot for Buddhism, for no particular reason, it just speaks to me in a different way than western religions. Something seems to draw me to the East, but alas my patience is poor which is no excuse. Today’s photo is where I entered the shrine. What I found inside was interesting and not unlike other Buddhist shrines. Except upstairs.

The Reliquary Room

On the upper floor of the shrine (you would miss the elevator if you weren’t looking) is a reliquary made of gold purported to contain a fragment of one of the Buddha’s canine teeth. It was rescued from his funeral pyre. I don’t know it the is true, but there is an eternal quality that surrounds the space. I sat for a long time and listened to the monk’s chants of blessings. People knelt, he blessed them. I didn’t ask for a blessing; I know not why. I pondered the place for a very long time sitting silently on a meditation cushion in full lotus. Perhaps if you are ever in the area … stop by, I would love to talk to someone else about their experience.

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Supertree Sky Walk


Since I started traveling I have wanted to visit the Supertrees in Singapore. Last month I too the very long journey to see them. The area is part of the Garden by the Bay, a park that melds into the overall Marina Bay area. The entire area is a architectural biological and technological wonderland! The Supertrees are solar powered, but that only scratches the surface of this amazing place.

Friendly Faces

All the stories I recall from the news had me a bit worried about my visit to Singapore. I take a medicine that is not allowed to enter the country and generally I don’t worry about my prescriptions (my doctor gave them to me after all), but I worried in Singapore. The thing is, as has always been my experience with travel, I found something completely different than I expected. The people in Singapore and very friendly (almost too much so) and from ALL over the world. It seemed like everywhere I went I met someone from a different country. I met people from India, China, England, Vietnam, Germany, and many more places. It truly is a melting pot!

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Global Digital Pandemic

Merry Christmas!

I find today’s photo both amusing and sad, all at the same time. It was a cold and rainy morning and I had gotten up early to see the flag raising ceremony in Tienanmen Square. I unfortunately didn’t get up early enough. Lines were long and security was VERY tight. There were hoards of proud Chinese waiting to see the ceremonial raising of their countries flag, and despite hearing the Chinese National Anthem, I couldn’t see a thing behind the sea or people.

What struck me was the number of people with some sort of device to capture the event. I travel to capture things but I constantly remind myself to stop and experience the wonderful things around me. Too many people never look up, only seeing the world on a screen. I call it the Global Digital Pandemic. It seems to be effecting every culture and at an alarming rate.

My Christmas wish for all of you is to enjoy your time with your family. Focus on them, not a screen. Absolutely take photos, but don’t lose real emotion. That screen can be an emotional separator between you and the one’s you love. Try to stop ever so often and take it all in…life is the truest of blessings.

Photo Technical Info

  • Aperture: ƒ/2.8
  • Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
  • Taken: 23 September, 2014
  • Focal length: 35mm
  • ISO: 3200
  • Shutter speed: 1/60s
  • Title: Global Digital Pandemic

Veins of a Dark City

Dark City

I visited Tokyo almost a year ago and I long to return (spoiler I am at least twice in 2015). It is a vibrant place with more energy then one city should be allowed on its own, but I don’t think Tokyo could be any other way. This rendition is from the window of my hotel room, looking over a city that never seems to end. The highway struck me and I was looking for a way to make it stand out more in the photo as it did when I was there.

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Fire Cauldron in The Forbidden City, Beijing, China

Form and Function

Beauty has its place. Function is evident all around us. Perhaps that is why I so enjoy the ideas of Pop Art (sometimes the execution was lacking). Finding beauty in the form and function of every day items. Perhaps this giant cauldron in the Forbidden City of Beijing, China isn’t exactly an every day item (they are gold guided after all) but they are an expression of both ideals.

This process is an experimental combination of things. The idea isn’t original, but then all art is derivative right? The execution is all my own. Enjoy the beauty in the world, it is all around, just waiting to be explored! Perhaps if you but look, you too can find a whimsical joy in the world.

Photo Technical Info

  • Aperture: ƒ/3.5
  • Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
  • Taken: 21 September, 2014
  • Focal length: 28mm
  • ISO: 100
  • Location: 39° 54.941′ 0″ N 116° 23.4213′ 0″ E
  • Shutter speed: 1/200s
  • Title: Fire Cauldron in The Forbidden City, Beijing, China