Unknown Purpose
It is said the monk who built Lingyin temple came to the mountain and knew he must build a monastery there. The guide said nobody was sure why, but I know. In all the chaos of people, the noise, the wild energies without purpose, you can feel it there…You can feel the peace of the soul of the world. It is different than Sedona, but I know why so many Native tribes were called to that place as well. The soul of the world is present, all around, IN all things, IS all things. I believe there are places in the world where the vail is thinner, peace is deep in the Earth at Lingyin. One only needs to open up and begin to FEEL, to know that monks calling.
Photo Technical Info
- Aperture: ƒ/4
- Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
- Taken: 1 July, 2015
- Focal length: 31mm
- ISO: 1600
- Shutter speed: 1/250s
- Title: Lingyin Temple Buddha Carving, Hangzhou, China
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